#Code blue drama tunnel scene code
There's also a Code Silver in Season Six.

The horror comes when you realize there wouldn't be a code for it if it hadn't happened before. Hospitals do have codes for a large number of unbelievably unlikely situations.It's an unexploded bazooka shell in the innards of a man about to undergo surgery. It apparently stands for an explosive on the premises. In the Grey's Anatomy episode "It's the End of the World," "Code Black" is passed between doctors and staff.A Season 3 episode of ER has Dr Doyle mention that someone did a "major Code Brown" in the hallway.Which, ironically, helps to avert the actual emergency. Played with in Chuck, where the staff have "Code Pineapple" to rapidly evacuate the store in case of emergency, but when they actually try to implement it they manage to induce a panicked stampede for the doors.At the novel's beginning, Mark, a Strategic Air Command colonel, uses the phrase to get a message to his brother that the Cold War is about to go hot. In Alas, Babylon, the titular phrase is a running joke used by the protagonist Randy Bragg and his brother Mark when things go wrong.Sherlock uses "Vatican cameos" - a reference to a Noodle Incident mentioned in The Hound of the Baskervilles - as a warning to John that something dangerous is about to go down.They'd talk about hanging out or going to the mall to signal a need to meet up. The Animorphs sometimes did this in case any controllers had the phone bugged.Another military squad had a code that signaled them to take out a guy with a camera who'd gotten footage they didn't like. In The Stand, the code in the early part of the book that meant everything was screwed was 'Rome Falls'.The City Watch Discworld Diary contains a clacks-based parody of police emergency codes, with codes for crucial messages such as "Knocking off early for lunch" or "Gargoyle officer ate messenger pigeon (message included), please re-send".(Since they included "demon-possessed vehicle in a towaway zone", we can safely say that whoever came up with the codes has either Seen It All or is Crazy-Prepared.) One Running Gag in Robert Rankin's Armageddon II: The B-Movie was to have police disagreeing over which code was specifically required for a particular emergency.when Nurse Remington is summoned to the front desk, it probably means you have outstayed your welcome. Also by the hospital looking after her.Different codes are used in Chuck Palahniuk's Choke, by a renegade mother to covertly contact her son."Broken Arrow" is code for an accident involving nuclear weapons in the film, a weapon is stolen (known as an "Empty Quiver") under the pretense of such an accident. John Woo's Broken Arrow gets its title from such a code.Not so much What an Idiot! as You Are Too Late: by the time he tried to get the word out, the fire inspectors were already inside. Of course, the idea is kind of ruined when the inspectors do come, and he starts screaming, "Code 10! Code 10! This is Joe Clark! Get those chains off those doors!" over the radio. In Lean on Me, Principal Clark declares that, when the fire inspectors are spotted (he put the chains on the doors to keep gangs out of the school, but as the doors are fire exits, barring them violated the Fire Code), he'll announce a "Code 10", subtly telling the staff to get the chains off the doors.This is also at least partly Truth in Television, as many hospitals will use this code if they need a lot of medical personnel in a particular part of the hospital (e.g., "Doctor Alcome to the emergency ward.").Amazingly, one of the characters doesn't get it and has to have it spelled out for her - All come. Alcome is code for a general call to doctors when the clinic needs lots of help, but doesn't want to spook the patients.